Media: Russian seasons heated hot Tashkent with great Russian classics

A concert of Ildar Abdrazakov is in the top news

“For Tashkent this became, in a good sense, a sensation this summer”

A solo concert  of the Russian opera singer took place yesterday at the Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater. For Tashkent, this became, in a good sense, a sensation of this summer, as, indeed, are all the events that the Russian Seasons international cultural project gives to this beautiful city.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta

“Ildar Abdrazakov’s concert in Tashkent became his unconditional triumph”

Tashkent is melting in the heat, rare passers-by slowly move along the streets. Nevertheless, there was extraordinary excitement in the theater hall that evening. The spectators came here in a euphoric mood. The lucky ticket holders were in anticipation of something extraordinary and significant. Many of them wanted to take pictures in front of the roll-up saying that the famous singer Ildar Abdrazakov was singing in the Russian Seasons program on 21 June 2023 in Tashkent. One can only guess how difficult it was for him to find a gap in his busy touring schedule and come to Tashkent. During the press scrum on the eve of the concert, the singer told that he was very happy to appear in Tashkent and perform together with his great friend, the excellent conductor Denis Vlasenko. After the concert in Tashkent Ildar Abdrazakov was expected to perform at the Munich Opera

Culture. Uzbekistan

“Ildar Abdrazakov’s first solo in Uzbekistan”

On June 21, the world-famous bass-baritone Ildar Abdrazakov will present a concert program on stage of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater. This will be the first solo performance of the outstanding Russian singer in Uzbekistan. It will become part of the large international project Russian Seasons, for implementation of which the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan joined forces this year.





Bass encore!

On June 21 in Tashkent, at the Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater, two major events took place at once – the first solo concert in Uzbekistan by the world famous bass Ildar Abdrazakov and the opening of the exhibition of the Russian National Museum of Music Sergei Rachmaninov – Fyodor Chaliapin: Parallels and Intersections. Both events were held within the program of the Russian Seasons international cultural project.

The performance of the Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the Golden Mask Russian National Theater Award and two-time Grammy Award winner Ildar Abdrazakov  in Uzbekistan is a great cultural event. Prior to the concert, the opera singer spoke about the upcoming performance: “The concert is taking place as part of the Russian Seasons, for which I am very grateful to the Ministry of Culture and all those involved in organizing this project. And of course, I am very glad that my friend, my colleague Denis Vlasenko is at the conductor’s stand.”

The bill of the evening featured the music of great Russian and European composers. The following were performed for the audience: Polonaise and Gremin’s aria from Eugene Onegin by P.I. Tchaikovsky, Aleko’s aria from Aleko and Vocalise by S.V. Rachmaninov, Overture to Le nozze di Figaro by W. Mozart, Don Basilio’s aria  (La calunnia e un venticello) from The Barber of Seville by D. Rossini, Escamillo’s couplets and Intermission to the fourth act from Carmen by J. Bizet, Couplets of Mephistopheles from Faust by C. Gounod.

At the end of the program, Ildar Abdrazakov came out to the audience for an encore and performed the song Down the Petersky,  the romance Black Eyes, Hodge’s aria from the opera The Tricks of Maysara by S. Yudakov.

The performance of Ildar Abdrazakov was accompanied by the Alisher Navoi Big Theater Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Denis Vlasenko.

The exhibition of the Russian National Museum of Music Sergei Rachmaninov – Fyodor Chaliapin: Parallels and Intersections, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of two famous Russian musicians, was conceived as a story about the lives of Sergei Rachmaninov and Fyodor Chaliapin, whose lives have many parallels.

The exhibits are divided into six sections: “Destines Differ”, “The Path to Music and Theater”, “At the Imperial Bolshoi Theater”, “At the Top of Olympus”, “Family Album” and “Far from the Motherland”.

The documentary videos are complemented by quotations from the memoirs and letters of musicians, as well as from articles by music critics dedicated to the work of Sergei Rachmaninov and Fyodor Chaliapin.

The exhibition Sergei Rachmaninov – Fyodor Chaliapin: parallels and intersections opened in Tashkent

The Russian National Museum of Music presented an exhibition dedicated to two Russian great musicians

On June 21, within the framework of the Russian Seasons international cultural project, the exhibition Sergei Rachmaninov – Fyodor Chaliapin: Parallels and Intersections opened at  Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater.

The exhibition, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of two famous Russian musicians, was conceived as a story about the lives of Sergei Rachmaninov and Fyodor Chaliapin, whose lives have many parallels.

The exhibits are divided into six sections: “Destines Differ”, “The Path to Music and Theater”, “At the Imperial Bolshoi Theater”, “At the Top of Olympus”, “Family Album” and “Far from the Motherland”.

The documentary videos are complemented by quotations from the memoirs and letters of musicians, as well as from articles by music critics dedicated to the work of Sergei Rachmaninov and Fyodor Chaliapin.

The first visitors to the exhibition were Uzbek spectators who came to the concert of the Russian bass Ildar Abdrazakov, who performed some arias from the repertoire of Fyodor Chaliapin.

Media: “Tashkent cannot recover from the performance “12” at the Alisher Navoi theater

Russian Seasons launch took place in Uzbekistan – immediately after the opening ceremony, the audience could watch 12 – the theatrical production by the Center for Theater and Cinema under the direction of Nikita Mikhalkov.

Media reports:

The Russian Seasons festival opened in Tashkent

The opening ceremony is taking place on stage of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater.

Shortly before the opening of the festival, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Nadezhda Prepodobnaya told reporters that the prepared Russian Seasons program would make it possible to understand Russian culture better and strengthen collaboration with the Uzbek side.

According to the Russian Embassy in Tashkent, 20 events of various formats are scheduled: concerts, performances, master classes, film screenings, etc.


“Mikhalkov brilliantly opened “Russian Seasons” in Tashkent

Nikita Mikhalkov once again proved to everyone that he is simply great. We agree, it’s great luck to see a stunning theatrical production presented by the brilliant People’s Artists of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev, Sergei Stepanchenko, Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Dolinsky and other performers – a cast of the highest rank.


“This is our first foreign tour with this performance”

The play 12 by the Theater and Cinema Center under the direction of Nikita Mikhalkov will be presented in the capital of Uzbekistan. “It’ an incredible honor that the Russian Seasons in Uzbekistan opens with our performance… And I must tell you that this is our first foreign tour with this performance,” Mikhalkov said before the premiere in Tashkent.


VGIK teachers conducted master classes in Tashkent

From May 21 to 23, the VGIK Branch in Tashkent hosted master classes in various disciplines, specially prepared for the Russian Seasons project in Uzbekistan by the teaching staff of the S.A. Gerasimov All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) led by the rector of the university, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Vladimir Malyshev.

A series of master classes were conducted by: Professor of the Department of Cinematography at VGIK, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Member of the Board of the Filmmakers’ Union of the Russian Federation, Member of the European Union of Cinematographers IMAGO (R.G.C.), Member of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts Nika Igor Klebanov; People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Feature Films at VGIK, Professor Vladimir Khotinenko; Professor of the Department of Film Studies at VGIK Tatyana Yakovleva; Head of the Department of Distribution and Marketing at VGIK Anton Malyshev; General Director of the KIT film studio (Gazprom Media Holding), General Producer of the Okko service Jahongir Fayziev; theater and film actress Svetlana Ivanova.

Nikita Mikhalkov: “We hope that in Tashkent our performance will find a response in the hearts of the audience”

On 21 May, the performance of the Center for Theater and Cinema under the direction of Nikita Mikhalkov was presented on stage of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater.

“It is a great honor for me and our theater company to open the Festival of Russian Art and Culture Russian Seasons in Uzbekistan with our production 12, – said the Artistic director of the Center for Theater and Cinema Nikita Mikhalkov. – I won’t retell the story, I’ll just intrigue you with this: in Russia, no matter where we play, people come to see our performances not only from neighboring places, but also from the most distant regions. I asked myself: why is this happening? Perhaps people miss talking to each other sincerely, honestly and seriously. We really hope that in Tashkent the performance will find a response in the hearts of the audience.” On stage of the A. Navoi Theater a brilliant acting ensemble, including people’s Artists of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev, Sergei Stepanchenko, Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Dolinsky, actors Gia Peradze, Igor Sergeev, Sergei Radchenko, Alexander Vedmensky, Vladimir Kochetkov, Alexander Kizhaev, Anton Romm, Evgeny Dubovsky, Pavel Ilyin, Ramiz Kyalbiev and young performers from the children’s ensemble “AMTSABZ” will perform in the play staged by the People’s Artists of Russia Nikita Mikhalkov.

Nadezhda Prepodobnaya: “Cultural exchanges are of great importance”

“Russian Seasons” started in Tashkent

On 21 May the opening ceremony of the International cultural project Russian Seasons in Uzbekistan took place on stage of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater.

The ceremony was opened by the First Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Azamov and State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Nadezhda Prepodobnaya. The masters of ceremony – the famous director Jahongir Fayziev, a native of Uzbekistan, and actress Svetlana Ivanova.

For the participants and guests of the ceremony, Nadezhda Prepodobnaya read aloud a greeting from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova, in which the Head of the Ministry emphasized the special importance of the Russian Seasons in Uzbekistan: “Carrying out this international project is a landmark and important step in the development and strengthening of Russian-Uzbek cultural interaction.” Nadezhda Prepodobnaya presented her Uzbek colleague Ulugbek Azamov with the changeless symbol of the Russian Seasons project – the Firebird statuette. “Such cultural exchanges are very important. It is impossible not to see the progress of recent years in the dialogue between our countries: we do not just hold joint events, but carry out extensive work in various areas – educational, touring, organization of exhibitions and others,” noted Nadezhda Prepodobnaya in an interview with Uzbek journalists.

On entrance of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, Uzbeck spectators were heartily welcomed by the State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble Russia named after Lyudmila Zykina. Right after the opening ceremony, the audience was presented with the performance 12 by the Center for Theater and Cinema under the direction of Nikita Mikhalkov. Nikita Mikhalkov, People’s Artist of Russia, artistic director of the Theater and Cinema Center, emphasized the special significance of this international cultural project and the honorable role of participation in it: “I am proud that our Theater and Cinema Center opens the Russian Seasons in Uzbekistan, which is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the play 12 . Russia and Uzbekistan are closely connected. The history of Uzbekistan, culture, traditions, literature… – all this has been formed and collected over centuries. And Russia, like a reliable, indestructible bridge, organically connects East and West.”

The first ever Russian Seasons project will soon open in Uzbekistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan will be the next country to host the international cultural project Russian Seasons in 2023.

The opening ceremony of the Russian Seasons will take place on 21 May in Tashkent, on the stage of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Big Theater. Russian Seasons is a large-scale annual project aimed at presenting Russian culture abroad. The themes and formats of Russian Seasons events are varied – from classical music concerts and theater productions to film festivals, art exhibitions and educational projects. In total, throughout its history, Russian Seasons attracted over 13 million viewers!

Right after the ceremony on 21 May, as well as on the next day, 22 May, the play 12,  staged at the Center for Theater and Cinema under the direction of Nikita Mikhalkov, will be presented to the Uzbek audience. The resonant premiere of the play took place in April 2021 on the Historical Stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The project is carried out with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Tours of GITIS graduates’ theater productions in Kazakhstan are becoming a good tradition

The premiere of the GITIS graduation performance took place in Almaty.

On May 8, on the stage of the Educational Theater of the T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts the GITIS graduates presented their diploma production Childhood.

Performance based on the same-name work by L.N. Tolstoy was staged by students of Evgeniy Kamenkovich’s workshop of the Directing department at GITIS. The play was directed by Natalya Nazarova. Before the show commenced, a welcoming speeches were given by the Vice-rector for scientific work of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kabyl Khalykov and Honored Artist of Russia, professor of the Directing department at GITIS, Artistic director of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater Evgeniy Kamenkovich. Kabyl Zalimbekovich Khalykov noted: “Touring and presenting student performances is becoming a good tradition in Kazakhstan, since the friendship between the Academy and GITIS continues, and many of our teachers and professors are graduates of the theater school represented by GITIS.” The premiere was a great success and had a positive response from the public. Among the spectators there were many students of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Almaty will host GITIS days

A performance based on the story by L.N. Tolstoy will be presented to the public.

From May 8 to 16 in Almaty, at the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, a series of events GITIS Days in Kazakhstan will be held as part of the Russian Seasons project.

The premiere of GITIS graduates’ performance Childhood based on the work of the same name by L.N. Tolstoy will be presented to the attention of the Kazakh public. The shows will be held on May 8 and 9, at 14:00. In addition to the shows, GITIS teachers will conduct voice, stage movement, directing and acting skills master classes from May 11 to 16.