Russian Seasons in Brazil will open on 17 June

On 17 June, the Grand opening ceremony of the International project of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Russian Seasons in the Federative Republic of Brazil will take place on stage of the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro (Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro).

The world famous Russian opera singer, Honored Artist of Russia, Ildar Abdrazakov (bass) will perform for Brazilian audience. Together with him, the laureates of the International Tchaikovsky Competition will enter the stage – mezzo-soprano Zinaida Tsarenko, pianist Sergei Davydchenko, violinist Daniil Kogan. The Symphony Orchestra of the Brazilian city of Barra Mansa (ORQUESTRA SINFÔNICA DE BARRA MANSA) under the direction of Russian conductor Denis Vlasenko will take part in creating the musical component of this ceremonial event.

The program of the opening event includes instrumental music and arias from operas by P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, S. Rachmaninov, Ch. Gounod, C. Saint-Saens. Tickets for the concert are available on the theater’s official website.

On the same day, the exhibition Art Masquerade of the Russian Seasons by the famous Russian theater artist Nika Velegzhaninova will open in the foyer of the theater. The exhibits will include costumes created according to sketches by Lev Bakst, Alexander Golovin, Mikhail Larionov and Sergei Sudeikin – artists who at the beginning of the twentieth century made a great contribution to the formation of a new view on scenography. Before being embodied in this vibrant exhibition, for more than a hundred years some of the costumes existed only on paper.

Russian Seasons events in Brazil will last until the end of 2024. Having started with a large-scale gala concert, the summer block of the program will continue with a recital by Ildar Abdrazakov, a concert program by soloists of the State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble Russia named after Lyudmila Zykina, dance performances by students of the Vaganova Ballet Academy, a tour of the world famous S.V. Obraztsov State Academic Central Puppet Theater.

Lectures, exhibitions and master classes by Russian artists, including a master-class by the Rector of the Vaganova Academy, People’s Artist of Russia Nikolai Tsiskaridze, will form an important part of the program of presenting Russian culture abroad.

In the autumn, the Brazilian audience will be invited to performances of the world-famous State Academic Eifman Ballet from St. Petersburg, lectures and master classes for students from leading masters of the Russian Institute of Theater Arts – GITIS.

A concert tour of the Moscow Jazz Orchestra conducted by Igor Butman in the end of December is expected to be the final event of the Russian Seasons program in Brazil.